Revenue Sharing

NodelyAI offers a revenue sharing model that distributes financial gains back to its community of users and contributors. Our Revenue Sharing sharing model ensures that participants in the NodelyAI ecosystem are not just users of ecosytem, but also beneficiaries of the platform's success.

How It Works:

  1. Staking: Users can stake $NODE token, the native token of NodelyAI. Staking involves locking up a certain amount of your tokens on the platform, demonstrating your commitment and support to the ecosystem.

  2. Revenue Sharing: The NodelyAI platform generates revenue, including fees from renting AI nodes, charges for using on-demand GPU resources, and earnings from providing AI API endpoints to enterprises and developers.

  3. Profit Distribution: Revenue generated by NodelyAI is set aside to be distributed among all participants in the Revenue Sharing program. The distribution is proportional to the amount of $NODE tokens each user has staked, ensuring a fair and equitable return for all.

Key Benefits:

Passive Income: By staking $NODE tokens, users can earn passive income, receiving a share of the profits generated by NodelyAI’s operations.

Community Empowerment: The Revenue Sharing model empowers the Nodely AI community, giving users a direct financial stake in the platform’s success.

Trust and Transparency: NodelyAI ensures transparency in how revenues are generated and distributed, building trust within the community.

Incentivized Participation: The potential for earning through Revenue Sharing incentivizes more users to participate and contribute to the NodelyAI ecosystem, creating a positive feedback loop that benefits all within the NodelyAI ecosystem.

Last updated